From this month,the mobile number portability(MNP)transfer will be implemented in the trail provinces and cities in China.The insiders hold that,had the pressure from so called“MNP”that that mobile users could switch to another operator without changing cellphone numbers,operator could be pushed for speed up and charge reduce more actively,which is benenicial for expanding the domestic information consumption.
The so-called"MNP"refers to the telecom operator's users can switch to become another operator's users,and enjoy the various services it provides without changing their own number.
All the time,the user stickiness of operator is very strong.Users are not willing to change for operators easily,because the longer the mobile phone number used,the more important it is for users.All applications including contacts,SMS,bank card,Tmall,Alipay,WeChat and others are tied to the mobile phone number,the replacement of operators means re-installment of various applications one by one to input relevant information,which is really annoying.
According to the overall arrangement on MNP by MIIT,operators in Tianjin,Hainan,Jiangxi,Hubei and Yunnan will launch new process for MNP first from December this year.
According to Huang Hexian of CAICT,new process of MNP will bring out 2 major improvements:
first it will improve user perception.In the past,users need to call the CSR hotline or go to the service hall,inquiring MNP requirements,which was cumbersome and not transparent.Now,MNP qualification can be inquired easily by SMS,online,etc.
Second,it will enhance the transfer efficiency.In the past,users had to wait until 10 o'clock in the evening after applying for the MNP.After the implementation of the new process,users can officially transfer to the new operator within one hour after handling the MNP transfer,greatly reducing the effective time of the MNP transfer.
Huang Hexian believes that the new business acceptance process of MNP is based on the summary of the preliminary experimental practice,with full respect for users'independent choice,constantly improving the service level for the purpose of making the MNP handling process more convenient,transparent and faster.The process improvement this time is also accumulating valuable experience for the future implementation of MMP in other provinces.
According to Fu Liang,The expert in telecommunications,compared with the old process,the new one has greatly reduced times that the user spend at operator’s service hall,avoids the inclined obstructions and detentions towards users,which accelerates the network switch convenience,and is also a drastic change after the commercial use of Code-number management platform of MIIT,at the same,it also means that the basic elimination of MNP hindrance,and the full implementation possibility next year is quite large.
Fu Liang considers that after the MNP implementation,operators will be more active to launch cheaper
package and provide old users with preferential package,and then start to actively optimize the quite high priced old package.
Compiled by China IDCNOVA, retransmission prohibited without authorization.
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