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National Development and Reform Commission: The investment in the "East and West" project exceeds 400 billion, and the effect of computing power aggregation is beginning to show

On September 26, the National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference on infrastructure construction. At the meeting, Zhang Zhihua, deputy director of the High Technology Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, pointed out that my country's information infrastructure has been upgraded rapidly. From the perspective of computing power facilities, the scale of data centers has reached 5.9 million standard racks, and the construction of a national integrated big data center system has accelerated. The construction of the computing power hub node started. For more than half a year, the "Eastern Data and Western Computing" project has achieved initial results.


On the one hand, the construction of major projects has been accelerated. The local governments where the 8 national computing power hubs are located have attached great importance to it, established a work coordination and promotion mechanism, issued the hub node construction plan, refined the work objectives, main tasks and time nodes, and focused on promoting the construction of the hub node starting area. At present, the construction plans of 8 national computing power hub nodes have entered the stage of deepening implementation. There are more than 60 new data center projects in the starting area. The scale of the newly built data center exceeds 1.1 million standard racks. The total project investment exceeds 400 billion yuan. The agglomeration effect appears initially. In particular, the proportion of data centers in the western region has steadily increased, and the national computing power structure has been gradually optimized.



On the other hand, factor guarantees have been significantly enhanced. In accordance with a series of important decisions and arrangements on expanding effective investment, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant parties, has made full use of central budgetary investment, policy-based development financial instruments, and local government special bonds to support the construction of national computing power hubs and data center clusters. building. At the same time, encourage and support local governments to introduce supporting policies on electricity, network, water, and energy consumption, especially in the use of green energy, to boldly explore and innovate ways to ensure the smooth construction of national computing power hubs.


In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant departments to three-dimensionally promote the "Eastern Data and Western Computing" project, focusing on strengthening four synergies.


The first is to strengthen the coordination of major engineering projects and supporting policies. Further strengthen the simultaneous implementation of data center engineering construction and supporting policies such as network use, land use, energy use, and water use, and promote the early completion and application of major engineering projects.



The second is to strengthen the coordination among various policy tools. Make full use of the central budget investment, various financial instruments, separate energy consumption and other policy means, and support the national computing power hub and the national data center cluster to play an early role.


The third is to strengthen the coordination between the national computing power hub and the national integrated computing power network system. On the basis of the national computing power hub that has been deployed, coordinate and promote the integrated construction of computing power supply stations, network test lines, computing power scheduling networks, data element fields, and security shields, and build a nationwide, multi-layered computing power network system .


The fourth is to strengthen the synergy between the construction of data centers and the development of the computing power industry. Guided by the national computing power hub and data center cluster, on the basis of large-scale aggregation of computing power and rich scenario applications, it will promote the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries, and jointly build a computing industry ecosystem.


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