1 Mare Nostrum
Mare Nostrum is locoated Barcelona, Spain, in a converted church, the data center closest to God.
2 Salem Chapel in English Leeds
Salem Chapel in English Leeds is not only a data center operated by AQL, but also a conference and exhibition room.
3 The Amsterdam Data Tower
The Amsterdam Data Tower is 72 meters high with 13 floors. The cooling system uses groundwater and outdoor air to cool the server.
4 NGD Data Center
NGD Data Center is located in Newport, Rhode Island. The data center is located in an old semiconductor factory and receives all its energy from a nearby hydroelectric power plant.
5 Green Mountain DC1-Stavanger
Green Mountain DC1-Stavanger is located in an ancient air-raid shelter, buried 250 meters deep in Norwegian rock. The data center is located on an island outside Stavanger. It has a unique cooling system with a cooling source available from an adjacent deep water fjord.
6 Portugal Telecom’s DCCovilh Data Center
Portugal Telecom’s DCCovilh data center is a masterpiece of cubism, surrounded by a pool.
7 Ragingwire
Ragingwire's TX1 plant in Garland, a suburb of Dallas, was completed in 2017. Ragingwire is owned by NTT of Japan, serving global Fortune 1000 companies and large cloud providers.
8 Telehouse North Two Data Center
Telehouse North Two Data Center is located in Docklands, London. As its only data center in England, with a private dedicated 132 kV substation and 11 floor.
9 The Digiplex Data Center
The Digiplex data center is located in Fetsund outside Orso, which is very beautiful place. It is cooled down by outdoor air through what Digiplex calls "air-to-air technology", and it has high energy efficiency.
10 The Data Center of the Information Technology Agency of Malta
The data center of the Information Technology Agency of Malta looks like a modern office building with glass and white aluminum facade.
11 Luxconnects
Luxconnects, Luxembourg's DC2 data center is built in a steel grille, the so-called“safety cage for Faraday." It also has a green roof.
12 Switch Pyramid Data Center
Switch Pyramid is located in Michigan, USA. It is a pyramid made of steel and glass with a height of 3 floor. Switch built a 21,000-square-meter data center on the lower floor of the design center originally built by Steelcase through intelligent reuse.
13 The Bahnhof Data Hall
The Bahnhof Data Hall is located in the Rock Room under Vitaberg Park in Stockholm. The front protection chamber receives backup power from the diesel engine used in the submarine. There are also waterfalls, seawater aquariums and plants that grow under simulated sunlight.
14 The Google Data Center
The Google Data Center Mural Project was launched in 2016 in Oklahoma, USA. Here, a mural signed by artist Jenny Odell shows what is happening inside the data center.
15 Gak
Gak, the South Korean data center, is located in a building that adopts traditional design and the latest technology in rainwater reuse and recycling.
Compiled by China IDCNOVA, it’s open and available for repost, reproduce, quote or retransmission if clearly stating the source with web link combined.
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