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After PUE, WUE is Coming: AWS First CSP to Publish Data Center Water Usage Metrics

Nov 28, 2022, /Data Center Knowledge/ - Eleven years after the term was first coined, Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE) finally takes its place in the sun with the world’s largest cloud service provider committing to report on this metric annually. AWS today committed to report on its WUE every year. It also pledged to be water positive, which means providing more water to the environment than it consumes, by 2030.  

Microsoft was the first of the big three CSPs to commit to water positive operations back in 2020. Google Cloud’s goal is to run all its data centers with carbon-free energy, meaning it will use clean energy to manage its water. No commitments have come from Google, yet, around WUE or water positivity. 

“This is another important step in the holistic approach to sustainability by the hyperscale data center providers,” Liz Cruz, director of data center programs at AFCOM, told Data Center Knowledge. “There’s recognition that an exclusive focus on electricity use avoids critical impacts that data centers have on the environment.” 

Why 2030 Is Shaping Up to Be a Water Positive, Carbon-Free Year 

The top CSPs all committed to lofty sustainability goals by the year 2030. This is borne out of the United Nations’ “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” an initiative to leverage sustainable development for the cause of improving quality of life for all. That includes ending poverty, attaining gender equality, and protecting global resources. Every UN member state has committed to the initiative’s sustainability goals and, apparently, so have the big three cloud solution providers. 

The cloud computing market will reach $1.55 trillion in value by 2030, according to Grand View Research. With the focus on measuring and better managing water usage, CSPs signal a connection between profits and sustainability efforts. It’s also a sign the CSPs have heard the concerns of their customers and shareholders around sustainability and the firms’ impact on the environment. 

And while the top CSPs have been competing against each other with sustainability feats of strength, hyperscaler Facebook was one of the early leaders in the 2030 water stewardship efforts. Facebook’s parent company Meta announced in 2015 its alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2021. In its announcement, the firm also pledged water positivity by 2030.  

Facebook has been publishing its WUE since 2014.

Original link:https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/amazon/aws-first-csp-publish-data-center-water-usage-metrics


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