IDCNOVA >>> Test Service

IDCNova Free Testing Services

Test your Internet connection bandwidth to locations around the world with this interactive broadband speed test

(Apply for Testing Point)
(Apply for Testing Point Cooperation)

您想测试的地区(Which region do you want to test)*

测试点的具体地址(The Testing Point Full Address)*

名字(First Name)*

姓氏(Last Name)*

公司名称(Company Name)*

邮箱地址(Email Address)*

电话号码(Phone Number)*

您所在的具体地址(Your Location)*

需求描述(Requirement Description)*

I confirm IDCNOVA can reach out to me with industry insights and product and service details.
提交此表格,即表示您同意 IDCNOVA隐私条款
By submitting this form, you agree to IDCNOVA Privacy Practices.

可合作的测试节点的地区 (Testing Point Region) *

可合作的测试节点的具体数据中心地址 *
(Testing Point Location Information)

名字(First Name)*

姓氏(Last Name)*

公司名称(Company Name)*

邮箱地址(Email Address)*

电话号码(Phone Number)*

您的留言 (Message)

I confirm IDCNOVA can reach out to me with industry insights and product and service details.
提交此表格,即表示您同意 IDCNOVA隐私条款
By submitting this form, you agree to IDCNOVA Privacy Practices.


Successfully Submitted. We will contact you shortly.


IDCNOVA Partnership Ecosystem – Association for International Cooperation in Data Center (AICDC).

We team up with exceptional companies to help you go further faster.

IDCNOVA launched the Association for International Cooperation in Data Center. Here. we are continuing looking forward to team up with the exceptional companies. Send us email if you are interested in joining us.

Our email [email protected]

What is AICDC?

(Association for International Cooperation in Data Centers)

The Association shall focus on the communication and cooperation in international data center industry and serve in the form of:

1. A media platform to update news of China and other global data center markets.
2. A resource platform to evaluate global internet access quality, with the findings published to industry clients on a regular basis;
3. A research platform to interpret legislative, technological and market changes of data center industry across the globe.
4. Business matching sessions to facilitate international cooperation.
5. Activities to enhance connections with other international organizations of data center and cloud computing industries.

It is aiming at strengthening the communications between China and International data center industry and promoting the development of data centers and cloud computing as global technology infrastructure and assisting companies to expand their presence into international data center

Join Us for Free to Get the Benefits

AICDC General Member

The Rights of AICDC General Member:
a.To access the Association archive for exclusive
research reports of China and global data center market dynamics;
b.To attend and partake in the events conducted by the Association;
c.To receive opportunities to promote brand and services with media partners of the Association;
d.To upgrade to a chartered member;

How to Become a General Member

Any companies that make commitment to the Association in any of the following situations are eligible to become a general member:
a.To provide facts and statistics of local data center market, including data center policies, legislations, data center specifications and etc.;
b.To facilitate the Association to organize data center tours and activities;
c.To facilitate the Association to organize promotion and exhibition events;
d.To facilitate the Association to establish partnership
with other industry organizations;

AICDC Chartered Member

Any general members could upgrade to a chartered member by providing the Association with managed host or network resources for global Internet access test.
Further to the rights of general members, chartered members have the following rights:
a.To be exclusively invited to business matching sessions;
b.To host events conducted by the Association;
c.To receive regular promotion services from media partners of the Association;